
24 June

4th network meeting

The fourth network meeting will take place online on June 24th, 2021. Current research topics are presented by the partners Materia Nova and Fraunhofer IPT. Additionally, the partners will present and discuss the status of their projects and ideas about the technical application of biomimetic structures.


19 February

3rd network meeting

The third network meeting took place online on February 19th, 2021. The partners presented and discussed the status of their projects and ideas about the technical application of biomimetic structures. Moreover, the partners set the course for continuing in the second phase of the network.



21 October

2nd network meeting

The second network meeting took place online on October 21st, 2020. Focus of the meeting was on the developed project ideas about the technical application of biomimetic structures. Additionally, suitable national and international funding programs were presented, and the partners agreed on a route within the network for the next months.


25 June

1st network meeting

The kick-off meeting was hold as an online event due to the COVID-19 pandemic on June 25th, 2020. Focus of the meeting were the presentations of the network German and Belgian partners from industry and research. Thanks to the active preparation of the partners, numerous project ideas were identified, and development partners were found during the meeting. Lively exchange in smaller groups concerning the presented ideas followed the kick-off meeting.